So, we went to the zoo about 6-8 months ago with Aunt Ashley and made the mistake of going to the Primate house first. The first exhibit as you walk in are the gorillas. The largest one was walking around upright looking mad. It terrified Kya and we had to spend the next half hour convincing Kya to stay and see the other animals. Since leaving, she has become obsessed with gorillas. This visit the gorillas were the first animals she wanted to see. There was a statue of a gorilla named Samson that had lived at the Milwaukee zoo for 30 years and had died a few years ago. On the way home we were peppered with questions, "Why did Samson die? Why do the animals have to die? Will I die? I don't want to die." Over and over we answered these same questions. That night she fell asleep crying because she was so distraught over Samson's death. I suggested maybe we frame a picture of him to remember him. Thankfully, the Samson obsession has passed!!!

Thanks for taking the picture Aunt Ashley!