Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well, it's no masterpiece but I did manage to make somewhat of a napkin for Kya tonight (acceptable enough for her to wipe food off her face).

Kya's eyes looked SO blue today!

Therin has been loving drawing on shirts recently. This shirt he found permanent markers for because he was starting to learn that if he used washable, the design didn't last through laundering. The picture is of Anakin (some Star Wars character) with a light saber and spaceship. Tomorrow Therin is requesting to tie dye-we'll see what we can do with 4 kids in the house.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, we've eaten a lot of strawberries in the last 24 hours-strawberry smoothies, milkshakes, salads, etc but I really had a craving for this pie. I wish more of our family lived close-I'd love to leave a delicious strawberry pie on their doorstep. The one crazy relative who does live in town doesn't like berries so I can't even offer her a piece! I'll let you know how it tastes.

Hobo Kya. I don't know what prompted the kids to put on hats, mittens, scarves, rain pants, etc. today but the result was an adorable little girl pretending to be shy of the camera.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The first day of summer break

First t-ball practice-a lot of boys (and a handful of girls).

Yummy, yummy strawberries! We went picking in La Cresent tonight at Kathan's Berry Farm.

$20 later we rewarded ourselves for such hard work by eating and eating and eating and eating some more.

The result-pink stained fingers. It was worth it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Camping with the Smiths at Fort McCoy

Preparing breakfast at the campsite with Travis' parents and his sister, Becky.

Travis and Therin at Trout Falls.

Out on a hike-actually stopping for a rare family photo.

Kya tired of hiking-getting a ride from Grandpa.

Mermaid Kya.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My wonderful weekend

An early birthday cake from my friend Wendi arrived Friday.

My mother-in-law is lending me this sewing machine and taught me the basics on Saturday. I signed up for a few beginner classes this summer at a store Olive Juice in town. I'm excited to try some projects for baby and Christmas gifts!

We went to our first 3D movie on Sunday, Up. I haven't been to the movies in a year and a half; I couldn't believe how expensive it is!! $9 for a 3D matinee even for the kids!

That which is Kya

My little snitcher. Always trying to sneak treats and eat them (She loads them in her purse if she thinks she'll get caught and indulges later when she's alone but usually there's evidence smudged on her face.) This is one of her "forts" right next to my baking supplies (i.e. chocolate chips and baking M&M's).

Purses, purses, purses. Everywhere we go, Kya carries one of these purses. As you can see the purple, pink and yellow one has seen some love. She carries them when she bikes, to the dinner table, everywhere. Even Therin's teacher donated the pink dog one (as if she needed another). Other than stashing them with food, she has also been filling them with pop can tops recently. She refers to them as "money." I don't know where she got this idea but she and her brother roam the alley, digging in our neighbors recycle bins for more money. It's gross and hysterical and depressing all at the same time!

The fish hairdo. Somehow this hairstyle was invented at Grandma's house once. I don't know whether she got the idea from Stephanie's Ponytail or not but when she requests this style, I usually attempt to talk her out of it. Saturday I didn't have the energy despite running various errands.