Tomorrow, my dear Therin, as I walk you into school and kiss you goodbye and wish you a wonderful first day of Kindergarten, I will be kissing your childhood goodbye. I am mourning the freedom of your days! What happened to these last 6 years and how are you this big already? I’m not prepared to be packing your lunches yet (where you will be eating them away from me). (And oh, how I am prepared for so many more bad habits to start at the dinner table!). At least you are still excited and reassured by eating dinner at home (with me). If school all day is too much yet, just say the word babe and I’ll have you home in no time. The only problem Mr. Social is besides playing Legos, you’ll want to play with your friends and all your friends will be in school. So, I can guarantee you a few hookey days where you can stay home with your Mom (thankfully might still sound appealing) and I’ll take you out for breakfast (which we NEVER go out for) or to a movie, whatever you’d like because after all, it is your childhood and you’re missing it.
I love you Little Man! I will miss you and all of your help around the house but will cherish your early arrivals on Wednesday (Just make sure you keep reminding me to pick you up at 11:35 like you have been!!)!
January Update
15 years ago