So I came in from checking clothes on the line today. Kya greeted me by saying she had taken "a few pictures." Last time I checked a few was not 70!! Oh, Kya! Here is a sampling......
Inmate #: 4567889
Because who doesn't want 10 pictures of a box of wipes?
I am disappointed I deleted the 15 or so of her knee/leg. Right now I would've been tempted to post all 15 merely for the entertainment value! Enjoy your day!
Kya was paging though USBorne's 50 Fairy Things to Do and Make yesterday and wanted to make a leaf fairy; so we did. I think she turned out pretty cute!
Then I told Therin I would make his class these pretzels for his special day today and since I had to get more pretzels anyway, I made them for Kya's class too. I'd never made these before but they are certainly fast and easy (the cleanup with sprinkles everywhere is kind of annoying)!
This is what Kya wore at the dinner table last night. I can't help but to be entertained about 14/7. Notice the police badge on the right side of her shirt-she's worn that since she got it on Friday when Captain Uting visited her school.
It has been a VERY FULL 24 hours since Julie and Josh arrived: Lots and lots of talking and eating (LOTS!) A tour of Therin's school and classroom A mini yoga session for Aunt Julie and Kya A trip to Kicks for some new boots Pumpkin carving Lots of playing football Reading Pumpkin seed baking and snacks Hibachi dinner
I think tomorrow will be more chill and we'll rest up for a weekend with Granny, Grandpa Doc and Aunt Ashley at the Kalahari. More pictures to come......