9:05 Return home from dropping Kya off at preschool and attempt to page husband regarding making an appointment for Kya-(possible food aspiration Friday evening and has been coughing all weekend). Didn't it dawn on him when he hadn't gotten ANY pages in the first 3+ hours of a Monday morning that something was wrong? Like his pager not being on??
9:45 Schedule an appointment with a pediatrician for 11:30
10:15 Feed Abram and Alayna lunch, change everyone's diapers
10:45 Pack everyone up in car and head to Congo to pick Kya up from preschool
11:45 See pediatrician who orders an X-ray on another floor, pack everyone up (with the assistance of Travis now) and get X-ray done
12:25 Return to pediatrician who tells us we can go home-Travis helps escort myself and the kids to the car whereupon he keeps saying, "I don't know how you do this every day!?!" (Finally, some recognition!)
12:45 Home, lay everyone down for naps
1:10 Call from nurse requesting that we come back in by 2 to see ENT doctor
1:15 Call Becky begging her to please come over and hang out while the daycare kids sleep
1:45 Leave for second appt where we're told: nothing will be done because the apple or bagel bit will dissolve and Kya will expel it in time herself; however, if it had been a nut or a toy, they would do a bronchoscopy and retrieve it. Glad I came back in for that!
2:40 Return home
That night: Kya doesn't cough once (okay, maybe a few times but she had been having fits of 5 minutes or more several times at night).
1:15 Leave with 4 children to go to the Family Fun Center at the Y (after eating rainbow colored Goldfish)
1:30 arrive at Family Fun Center and play for a few minutes when Kya starts having a coughing attack while I'm on my cell phone
1:31 Kya vomits while I hold up her dress to catch what I can
1:33 Notify the front desk that my daughter just puked in the FFC and I need some assistance to clean it up
1:35 Tell the kids to get their stuff back on because we need to leave
1:36 Adeline complains of the smell in the FFC and begins to vomit all over while I lead her to the trash can
1:39 Adeline finishes vomiting and we take off her dress
1:40 Y employee asks "What did you feed them?" Not willing to address her comment but apologize for the mess
1:41 Receive a bucket from the Y staff for the drive home and leave with the children
1:44 Load children in the car realizing that Kya's stuff has a very strong vomit odor and if I put it in the car Adeline will likely vomit again, stuff dresses in ice cream bucket, hang bucket from sideview mirror on Suburban and drive home =)
1:55 Kya and Adeline happily playing in the tub while I start a load of laundry
2:01 My friend, Celine, calls to see if my day today is better than yesterday?
We'll see what tomorrow brings.........
Julie, is the invitation still open to meet you in the Cities tomorrow? I'm sure I can provide some excitement and laughs! =) Have fun with Mom!