My sister, Ashley, came to visit last weekend and Friday was her birthday. It was good to see her but sad too. I've had the luxury of meeting her at the cottage, for holidays or one of us occasionally traveling to visit the other but in another month she'll graduate from medical school and then she'll move to Boise, ID. A VERY long drive from La Crosse. Ashley generously agreed to bring the bottom portion of the bunk beds I had from college and somehow managed to get them in a Tahoe all by her lonesome (and still had room for her dog and it's crate). Anyway, we appreciated the effort and Travis went to work. The kids have SO much space in their room now-it's awesome! I tried to provide Ashley with plenty of good food in celebration of her birthday and for traveling to visit us (with the bed in tow). Sunday afternoon the kids, Ashley and I went bowling-Ashley creamed the rest of us the first game but Therin, who was very proud, won the second.

Kya was quite surprised and disappointed by the number of gifts Ashley got for her birthday. She kept saying, "Only one!?!" I told her we were cheap. Maybe I should have spelled her gifts out in dollar amounts and it might make more sense.