Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Weekend at the Cottage

It was a GORGEOUS weekend at the cottage! I was so glad the kids and I made the decision to go. I unpacked our bags Monday morning and realized Kya had only worn her pajamas or swimsuit the entire weekend! We spent every minute besides naps or eating on or near the lake-hunting for clams, jumping off the dock for the umpteenth time, waterskiing, tubing, swimming, etc. The kids seem to have graduated this summer to a new comfort with the water and it's more fun but it also makes me realize how fast they are growing up!

The kids new best friend, Mark, (who's in his 30's and his in-laws own the neighboring cottage) is in the edge of the first picture. It was pretty cute, "Mark, watch this, do that." We thought we were going to give Mark a break by leaving Sunday night but as it turns out, he was too.

I hope the 4th of July and Labor Day are as nice!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sweaty girls lovin' a popsicle

Kya's "spelling words"

Penpals: A letter to Bradley

We are finally conquering the TERRIBLE nail biting, knuckle chewing habit Therin has and I actually got to trim his fingernails last night for the first time in a LONG time.

The battle ax Travis made for Therin out of scrap wood

Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's official-Dr. Ashley Binder.

The three doctors in the family.

Celebration dinner at Roots.

A very fun family game of whiffle ball.

Kya, doing what she loves most-picking flowers.

Exhausted from a very fun and very active weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fancy Nancy

Although I didn't think the Fancy Nancy party was extraordinary, I think Kya did. She had such a sparkle in her eyes all evening. She practiced saying "Bonjour!" and "Au revoir!" before we left. If there was an award for the "Fanciest Nancy, I think Kya deserved it. It was fun to spend a night out with the mamas and girls.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Tonight I wrote a letter to a young man I don't even know. I got connected with him through Cornerstone Compassion Ministries. This young man is in jail and requested a penpal. I figured I might as well put my gift of writing letters to good use while I continue to wrestle with questions about God and religion. The jail ministry is of special interest to me because I want healthy, motivated and loved individuals reentering society so the chances of them reoffending decrease. There are so many ways we can use our talents and gifts to help others; I wish we all would a little more (including myself, I could do so much more but I'm taking baby steps, baby steps I tell you). Thank you Cornerstone for providing me with so many opportunities to do so and modeling what Christ followers really look like-people who care, love and provide for the rejected, isolated and destitute.

Packer Sunday in May

While I was hosting a mini birthday party for my friend Wendi.....

I asked my parents to take the kids to a softball game: the La Crosse Firefighters vs. The Green Bay Packers. I think we all had a good time (except for Travis who was hard at work at the hospital).

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kya today

Apparently I liked stripes today; oh yes, and some lip gloss. Did you notice I was wearing lip "gloss?" Mom thought gloss was just supposed to make your lips "shinier."

Do you think I had fun at Kyra's birthday party?

Too bad this photo was blurry.

What do you think Kya will look like for the Fancy Nancy party at Barnes and Noble on Tuesday? The instructions said to wear your "fanciest outfit." One can only wonder how that will be interpreted. Oh, don't worry, there will be pictures.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Informance

Travis and I were SO very impressed with SOTA's end of the year drama and music performance. I had to keep reminding myself that these were only ELEMENTARY students. The amount of preparation and coordination that went into this production was astounding and it looked effortless. I am so thankful for my children to have the opportunity to go to this school. It was very clear that the students learn in so many different ways and have FUN while learning interactively with ALL of the students in the school, not just their classmates. The SOTA students also exhibited an unmatched confidence in themselves and in performing in front of an audience at such a young age. Travis and I were very proud and Kya is very excited to be a part of the performances-she had to wear a costume to the production just in case they needed a little help or someone didn't show up, she was prepared to stand in if necessary.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy "Muther's" Day!

This has been the best Mother's Day yet! I have been showered with gifts since Tuesday....a teal beverage dispenser, a rainbow purse (made out of paper and tape-maybe not the most durable), flowers, flowers and more flowers and cards. Therin went so far as to put the tape on my gift in X's and O's. This is what he wrote about me:
"My Mom is a cool Mom. My Mom is a kind Mom. My Mom is a fast Mom. My Mom is a traveling Mom."

My husband has not lost his ability to cook after an almost 3 year hiatus:

Now I don't have to go to NY to eat biminbop!! Yum!!

The house before dinner on Saturday with the Larsons:

As the dishwasher and washer are running, brownies are baking, and the bathroom floor is drying from a good scrubbing, I feel priviledged to do all of these mundane tasks for my family because this is how I show them I love them and without them I would have nothing to celebrate. Happy Mother's Day to all you hard working Moms!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prepared for battle

The neighbor Chuck is turning an old dresser into a vanity. Chuck asked Therin if he wanted the wood circle he cut out to accomodate the sink and Therin excitedly said, "Thanks! That's just what I need!!!" and ran away. After several hours of coloring the wood to look like a Turtle shell, Therin and Dad added a spike and a handle. Therin then returned to show Chuck the finished product.

The Coke vs. Pepsi debate

Sorry to get the kids involved, but Mary this one's for you..........

I had the kids put on sunscreen and hats yesterday; Dad didn't take note of my suggestions and has quite a "tan."