This has been the best Mother's Day yet! I have been showered with gifts since Tuesday....a teal beverage dispenser, a rainbow purse (made out of paper and tape-maybe not the most durable), flowers, flowers and more flowers and cards. Therin went so far as to put the tape on my gift in X's and O's. This is what he wrote about me:
"My Mom is a cool Mom. My Mom is a kind Mom. My Mom is a fast Mom. My Mom is a traveling Mom."

My husband has not lost his ability to cook after an almost 3 year hiatus:

Now I don't have to go to NY to eat biminbop!! Yum!!
The house before dinner on Saturday with the Larsons:

As the dishwasher and washer are running, brownies are baking, and the bathroom floor is drying from a good scrubbing, I feel priviledged to do all of these mundane tasks for my family because this is how I show them I love them and without them I would have nothing to celebrate. Happy Mother's Day to all you hard working Moms!!