Monday, November 29, 2010

All I want for Christmas.......

is a tooth. Therin wiggled it out today in math. We'll see what the tooth fairy brings.....

Therin and his best friend, Nicholas, lost the same first tooth within 48 hours of each other!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snapshots from the long holiday weekend

Lovin' up Great Grandpa Pernsteiner.

After enjoying a game of dominos on Friday, we headed to the holiday parade with the Smiths.

Who doesn't love naked cookie decorating?

Ice skating for the first time (learning with a "walker").

Still sporting our glasses from the 3D Tangled movie Saturday.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's the little things

After a good many years of not blooming, I am SO excited to see buds on a cutting of a cutting of a cutting of my deceased grandmothers Christmas cactus.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear Grandpa Doc,

I am very excited to go to the Packer show. I ask Mom frequently if today is the day? I got a new Packer hat to wear. Do you like it? I have been texting everyone about going to the game. It is a great way to learn my letters. I will text you too. Much love, Kya

A knight story by Therin

One day a nite was wocing out of the kasl and he saw a dragin. The dragin bloo fire. The nite swung his sord. The dragin floo awway. and the nite went bac in the kasl. and then the necx day the dragin cam bac and then the kadplt fird. The dragin doj it. Then the dragin floo awway. Then the nite fownde the dragins cav. but the dragin wasint thar. and they lived hagle ever aftr. The end.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful for Etsy

My sister-in-law, Becky, is posting 30 things for November she is thankful for and encouraged others to do a blog posting as well. Well, one of my 30 things would definately be Etsy. I LOVE shopping and receiving gifts from sellers on the website! (Thank you Ashley, Becky and Mary). It's so fun and easy to be able to look up topics and interests and find perfect and unique gifts for family and friends that are reasonably priced. I might have to expand the size of my favorites sidebar because there is a lot I've found in search of gifts for the holidays to love (only that might spoil some gifts).

A few of my favorite sellers:
montezumamudd for pottery
louandlee for fun, seasonal girly headbands
Meetalls awesome, cheap jewelry
hierapparel for unique clothes and scarves

Ahhhhh, more Etsy favorites than ever....

Monday, November 8, 2010


I still can't believe I let her wear this to school today. My plea: nuturing her inner free spirit and that this adorable outfit will only fit her for a very short time.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My favorite weekend mornings

everyone is in their pajamas until at least 10. we are all working separately but in close proximity for hours. mom gets a lot of letters written. very peaceful. now if only i could get someone to deliver a chai latte to my door....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Kya's Birthday

I'm 5 today!

I really love my "peacock" dress from Aunt Julie.

Already got my ears pierced today.