Grandma and Grandpa Smith took Therin to a Brewer game as an early birthday gift. The Brewers played the Astros and won 5-4. Despite the heat, sounds like Therin had a wonderful time!
After 3 and a half years, Friday was Alayna and Landon's last day of daycare with me. I am going to watch infants this fall since both of my "babies" will be in school all day now!! Crazy! I will certainly miss Alayna and Landon; they were very easy kids to have around but we'll stay in touch I'm sure.
Therin made these earrings at an art class at The Pump House this summer. He really enjoyed the class (which consisted of a lot of other things besides jewelry making) and some of the women in his life got a beautiful gift! He is SO thoughtful!
Kya competed in her first triathalon today. She did a great job! She was a little slower in the swim but we made up for it in the transition area and no one was going to catch her on the bike!! I thought her little body looked so cute tan and with her race numbers on! We will definately be participating in this triathalon again-can't say enough good things about the Y! It was so well organized!! We'll see if Therin opts to participate in the future but those 7 and 8 year olds looked pretty fierce in the pool; even I was a little intimidated!!