It is a somewhat terrifying experience for the neighbors to be putting on a garage sale with lots of kids stuff. Lost count at the number of trips Miss Kya took over there today. I was touched by her thoughtfulness though; after dropping Therin off at football this morning, she announced she was going to buy Therin a birthday present. She came back with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle puzzle and a Star Wars book which she immediately requested to wrap. Other purchases by Kya: silver glitter shoes, a Hello Kitty puzzle for the neighbor Charlotte, 4 beanie baby bears, a stuffed turtle for her friend Gabby's birthday, a stuffed Dora, a hair thing, leopard shoes for the neighbor Kyra, flip flops. I think that might be it. I am happy to say the garage sale is closed now.
Kya tried to put on her own garage sale by rounding up little trinkets around the house and labeling them for a few cents; however, the sales were disappointing. She has been quite the entrepreneur this summer; trying to sell everything from braid bracelets to art (picture drawings) to food.