(Travis is trying VERY hard to get her to pronounce "warm" correctly. He makes her say "WAR!" in a deep, energetic voice; then "mmm." I just laugh.)
sishter = sister (Kya has been expressing interest in a sister recently. We explained to her that if we had a baby, we couldn't guarentee a sister; she might get a brother instead. To which she replied, "Well, we could throw him away.")
elegator = escalator
the beaver = fever (lifts up her shirt and shows me the rash she had with her fever)
Kya started calling me "Mama Shoebuyah" a few weeks ago. I have no idea where she picked this name up but she uses it so frequently, Travis is starting to refer to me as "Mama Shoebuyah" as well.
Hey Trav and Sarah! Your little ones aren't so little anymore...wow...growing up fast. Enjoyed seeing all the recent pics. We find out in FOUR days...ahhh...the anticipation is killing me...if we're heading back to La Crosse for residency. I really have no idea where the match will take us...New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Oregon...and the list goes on. Looks like you are all doing well. Skylar is just starting to babble and coo (not sure how to spell that) but it's really cute. Take care.
That's quite the "surgeon stare" you've got Trav...can just hear you "Marley if you drop those hemostats again in my OR..." :-)
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