1. Learn to sew and knit this year (nothing crazy just the basics).
2. Redo the kids "playroom" area-bigger activity table, reading corner, art display, some plants.
3. Contemplate homeschooling.
I have been very inspired by the book The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule and daily look forward to her blog entries on SouleMama. She is the reason behind my first two goals. The third has come from reading a magazine simply titled, "Mothering." It has really pushed me to think about what my children will do in school and how their precious time will be utilized in the coming years. My biggest concern: not enough time outside. I will really listen to Therin this fall as he describes what he does at school, what he likes/dislikes about it, whether he thinks he gets enough time to play, etc. I've found it sad how little we, as parents, know about what fills our children's days at school (even daily activities like how long is recess?); so it's challenging me to really KNOW what Therin's schedule is this fall and decide whether his time is being used appropriately/beneficially for a 6 year old. I guess I've just felt a real desire to get back to the basics: nature (weather and gardening), cooking and baking, crafting, reading and playing; do kids not learn almost enough from these simple, daily tasks and routines for at least a few years beyond 5? I guess we'll see where this crazy #3 thought goes.......
January Update
15 years ago
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