Sunday, May 3, 2009

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Kya


JulesB said...

Cute picture of Kya. Or should I say "April."

AJ said...

I LOVE this picture. I feel like this is one of those things that will need to show up in her high school year book or something... :)

Becky said...

I agree AJ... or maybe a wedding slideshow!

christina said...

that picture is super cute! what is therin? shredder?

Granny said...

Kya had to show her Granny how she looked with this mask. I loved it and was t hrilled to capture it on camera. Immediately, Sarah and I agreed it HAD to be on the blog. You would be amazed at the creations Sarah makes from Coke packaging. Sarah's a great MOM. She makes me proud!