Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Weekend of the Fests

While Mom was off Cranfesting....the kids and Travis harvested pumpkins with Grandma and Grandpa; then stopped to see the draining of Lake Tomah.

No major purchases at Cranfest: a hat (modeling), shirt and scarf by ellembee (also sold on, rusted flower magnets for Kya to hang her school projects on the frig and a very unique and repurposed airplane for Therin from Dick Cooley "Spark your imagination" metal sculptures (

Fun in the latest fort-a tepee built from sunflower stalks and camo netting. Thank you Dad!

A tomato torte and applesauce for dinner where we shared our day's roses and thorns. Thankful that we have so many roses and so few thorns to share.

Among our other roses this weekend:
Mom completing another half marathon.
Getting to see part of the crazy Octoberfest parade Saturday.
Spending lots of family time together.
Getting more apples for applesauce from our generous neighbors, Jim and Jan.

The grass did not get mowed.
Peeling and cutting more apples to make applesauce.
Kya's is always driving (We drove to Tomah).


Granny said...

It does sound like you have lots of roses! The teepee was a great idea. Can I have your recipe? Who would believe the grill cheese sandwich queen would become such an amazing cook!

AJ said...

Life sure seems like it's been good to you and yours lately! :) Kya looks absolutely adorable with those braids! Can't wait to see you soon....

Becky said...

Your hat looks great! I can't wait to see you in it in person.