Sunday, November 8, 2009

MOA weekend

Eating at Big Bowl. Chopsticks are a new experience. We brought them home-hopefully they'll eat as well as they did here if I serve dinner with the chopsticks?

A few more birthday gifts to open.

A sweet mother daughter moment.

Therin-my rock. Always helpful and dependable (and reasonable, unlike someone else I know (see picture below)).

Kya was begging to go to the Mall of America in September (I don't know that she knew what the Mall of America was, just that she wanted to go.). I told her, not then, but maybe for her birthday. So, here we are. Granny came to La Crosse on Friday and accompanied us on the trip. We didn't do much shopping (except for some Christmas presents at REI) but indulged in the rides at the mall and went to the Como Zoo on a very beautiful, 60 some degree November day. We had a lovely time. Thank you Granny!

Some side notes: You may notice that Kya does not have a purse strap in pictures this weekend; she has not abandoned this obsession, it simply broke on the ride to the Cities.
Aunt Ashley may also notice that we have not let go of the Kalahari bracelets yet. I'm tempted to stop the next time we drive by to see what color the bands are that day-do you think we could get in for free if it's a blue day?


AJ said...

Sarah - your family is beautiful. :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend to celebrate Miss Kya's birthday!

Chaucer said...

I remember struggling with chopsticks until I was, I think, about 17. So I'm very impressed that Therin and Kya are already so skilled!!

-Uncle Josh

Granny said...

So much fun. It was a weekend of thrills.

Becky said...

I still struggle with chopsticks! It looks like you guys had a wonderful time.