Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Front Porch

New windows, flooring, trim, a fresh coat of paint. Travis made a cubby with baskets for each of us to store hats, mittens and such. He also made the awesome twine ball lights. He has gotten lots of compliments. Done in time for going back to school-yeah!


Granny said...

What an awesome transformation!

JulesB said...

looks great!

Becky said...

I love the floor!! Those chairs look pretty good too.

christina said...

LOVE!! i have been thinking about making those twine lights. i saw them at design within reach (irony nothing in within reach for the average person)


Mom and Dad said...

The porch looks great. We hadn't seen it with the lights on.

Travis J Smith said...

Christina, Thanks. The lights are easy to make. One tip: make sure to coat the ballon with oil so that it does not stick when you are trying to get it out. This would have saved me hours of picking out small bits of ballon.