Friday, December 9, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Holiday Train

We had the kids nap today and headed out at 8:30 tonight (after the Packers won) to meet the holiday train. It was a very fun time and the entertainment was awesome (Hello Willy Porter and a new fav, Sydney Grigg)! Check it out: We will definately go again in 2013 or we'll see if the train goes through Portland next year.

The First Snowman of 2011-2012 Winter

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Perfect Tree

How can it not be when your kids pick it out and you don't have to get off the couch?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Deer hunting

My sisters and I grew up hunting with my Dad (and Mom). This is what my Dad lives for and having had three daughters....well, let's just say we tried to fill a void. Travis, Therin, Kya and I all really appreciate the venison we receive from my parents and replace it for ground beef in most of our recipes. I haven't gone hunting in quite a few years; but my parents kept asking and I thought, "After taking care of so many kids, day after day, week after week; a silent weekend in the woods sounded heavenly." And it was. Also put some meat on the table. Our appreciation and awareness of how our food gets there is certainly made stronger. Thanks Mom and Dad for having everything ready for me and processing the meat! I won't be back next year but put me down for the fall of 2013 (maybe Travis and Therin too)!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween: Cowboys and Indians

Thanks to so many for lending us pieces of our costumes!