Monday, August 31, 2009

A milestone

Tomorrow, my dear Therin, as I walk you into school and kiss you goodbye and wish you a wonderful first day of Kindergarten, I will be kissing your childhood goodbye. I am mourning the freedom of your days! What happened to these last 6 years and how are you this big already? I’m not prepared to be packing your lunches yet (where you will be eating them away from me). (And oh, how I am prepared for so many more bad habits to start at the dinner table!). At least you are still excited and reassured by eating dinner at home (with me). If school all day is too much yet, just say the word babe and I’ll have you home in no time. The only problem Mr. Social is besides playing Legos, you’ll want to play with your friends and all your friends will be in school. So, I can guarantee you a few hookey days where you can stay home with your Mom (thankfully might still sound appealing) and I’ll take you out for breakfast (which we NEVER go out for) or to a movie, whatever you’d like because after all, it is your childhood and you’re missing it.
I love you Little Man! I will miss you and all of your help around the house but will cherish your early arrivals on Wednesday (Just make sure you keep reminding me to pick you up at 11:35 like you have been!!)!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kya's First Day of Preschool

This child has been ready to go to preschool for the last 3 months-tomorrow the months of anticipation and crying will finally come to an end. Hopefully, her head won't blow off!!

The Thompson's Farm

Aunt Ashley and Therin-Thanks for hooking us up with a wonderful morning on a beautiful farm with some very generous folks!

Dr. T, Therin and Kya on the tractor. The kids advocated that it be used quite frequently to assist in the stump removal.

Therin was quite determined to get the stump out! One of the highlights of the day!

Success (after all the "help" left)!

Therin and Ashley's dog, Rigby, by the raspberry patch.

We left with gifts of raspberries! Yum!

The tree swing.

The "bigger dogs."

Kya riding one of their Newfoundlands, Orion (a mere 180 lbs).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Birthday Legos

Oh, yes, can we please wake Mom up at 1-something in the morning so that she can take a picture now that we've finished assembling the TIE Fighter. As you can see, I didn't actually get up to take this shot. Now let me go back to sleep!!!

Travis busily putting the TIE Fighter together while Therin watches dazed and confused. Why are we putting Legos together now? Why?

All I can say is that I did not tell him how to hold the box or to adjust the box.

So, this box from amazon arrived today and I opened it thinking it was two books that I had ordered. When I saw Star Wars I knew it was the gift Julie and Josh had sent for Therin's birthday. I put it away and intended to give it to him on his birthday. For whatever reason, I read the invoice a little after midnight tonight and since it said, "I know it's hard to wait for your birthday, so we're sending your gift a little early." I figured I couldn't very well keep it until his birthday so I told Travis (who was having a hard time falling asleep) and he proceeded to wake up our son at 12:30ish a.m. to put together this Lego set because "Josh would've wanted it this way." We are all hoping this is a cherished memory. Note to self: NEVER bring up new Lego packages in the house to my husband after 8 p.m.

Thank you Julie and Josh! Therin was pumping his arms in the air after he opened it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pernsteiners 60th Wedding Anniversary

The Smith Family with the Pernsteiners.

An attempt at a family picture. Kya's dress was made by Grandma Smith with Oliver + s's bubble dress pattern.

Kya got a lot of enjoyment out of Great Grandpa's walker and cane. I think more time was spent walking with one at the party than without. By the end of the afternoon, she was getting smart and would put the cane just out of Great Grandpa's reach and coax him to get up and take it. She'd be an adorable physical therapist!